Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Train Mouse

Why does the train screech along its tracks
in some stretches, but not others?
Is there a piece of metal sticking out from its side,
brushing the concrete walls of the tunnel?
A young boy dragging a stick
along a chain link fence?

Or is it just the brakes
squeezing the rail with gritted teeth?
A mechanic would certainly not
like the sound of that.
But he would like the sound
of the cash-register ka-ching
as the driver opened his wallet.

Most train-riders seem not to notice.
My ears shudder all the way to my jaw.
Come to think of it,
the other day I saw a man
wearing industrial soundproof earmuffs
while reading his book next to the window.

Clever, I thought,
but he looks like a giant mouse.
And I know what the muffs are
because I wore them into the engineroom,
the grinding belly of the ship.

But the muff-uneducated masses probably wonder
'Who's the fool in the mouse-ears?"
(or maybe bear ears)

But then again,
when the train cars drag
against the wall or rail,
he hears a muffled squeal.
A happy little pig running in circles
or a violin being tuned.
And when I realize that,
the mouse-jokes are worth it.

1 comment:

  1. i think the muffs would be worth it. and silly looking. in equal measures.
